Bio-based textiles

Bio-based textiles

The UK sends around one million tonnes of waste textiles to incineration and landfill each year and the emission levels caused by the industry are almost as high as the total CO2 emitted through people using cars.  Bio-based textiles materials offer the potential to develop a more circular economy-based textile industry. We are working with the Textile Circularity Centre that works towards this goal by providing space for scaled up textile processing equipment.  Our Hemp Special Interest Group is also looking at opportunities to use hemp to produce novel textile materials that avoid the environmental issues linked to synthetic fibres and cotton-based clothing.

Image of scientist with laboratory equipment

Case study highlight

Revolutionising Nanofiber Filtration

A technical textile business using novel nanotechnology to develop high performance, recyclable textiles has benefited from capital funding from our ERDF capital grants scheme.

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