Collaborative grants

Collaborative grants

To help overcome your technical barriers, our multidisciplinary team of biologists, chemists and innovation advisors bring an effective blend of specialisms to any grant funded proposal or project. We have a wide variety of grant funding that is available for different types of businesses exploring innovation opportunities and sustainable technologies. 

As a subsidiary company of the University of York we have well-established partnerships with the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence and the Centre for Novel Agricultural Products research centres. These partnerships mean that we can access their expertise and apply technologies derived from both biology and chemistry to optimise and process biorenewable raw materials for the production of chemicals, materials and fuels. We also work in a flexible way with academics and researchers both in other UK and overseas universities and research centres.

Our team keeps up to date with current and future opportunities across a comprehensive range of funding sources and can help you explore whether collaborative funding might be suitable for your project, find collaboration partners, and support bid development. In the past we have helped our partners successfully access Knowledge Transfer PartnershipsNiBB grants, InnovateUK and Horizon2020 funding to name but a few.

Offering a full support package, we have a team of innovation advisors who offer market research analysis, regulatory scanning, specialist sector business advice, bid development, commercialisation and project management for those looking to develop their bio-based products or processes further than the lab.

We are also home to the BioVale Innovation Cluster, an initiative to support clients to build partnerships, collaborations or research consortiums to help access overseas markets for clients wanting to build bio-based supply chains and inward investment.